Coaching & Retreats for Your Personal & Business Success
What you stand for is as important as what you sell. ~Roy Spence
Are you ready to: Write a book? Start a business? Make more money? Or maybe transition into a new life chapter?
If so, Coach Helene can help you break down big projects into manageable, do-able steps so that you can reach your goals more gracefully and quickly!
Coach Helene believes in possibilities. When a client hires Coach Helene, together they make things happen. She is an expert at asking the questions that will unlock your brilliance.
Authentic Leadership Coaching
Coaching is a perfect format for growing yourSelf in the areas of personal empowerment, communication skills and your ability to network with other Leaders. Every successful Leader has someone as a Success Partner to help them navigate their path of development.
Business Coaching
Business Coaching can take many forms, including one-to-one tele-coaching, tele-coaching for larger groups, and the retreat format (a custom retreat for you or your group, or attend one of Coach Helene’s pre-structured retreats). Email support comes with all Business Coaching services.
Business is like riding a bicycle; either you keep moving or you fall down. – J Wright
Executive Coaching including Transitions, Career Changes and Creating your Best Ever Life!
Working with a personal coach is an effective way to move through life when changes come. Having a coach can also support you when you are on the brink of some wonderful new changes or challenging times. Consider working with Coach Helene if you are in burnout (personal or professional) , someone who seeks to get their life back on track financially, wishing to restore your health, or want to grow a relationship.
To say I love this woman is an understatement. In all she does, she embodies love, giving, creativity, earth stewardship, and gratitude. She is an empowered women and a powerful coach.
~Corrie Woods, author of The Women’s Field Guide of Exceptional Living
Work with Coach Helene to:
Set professional and personal goals
Move to the next level of success in your career
Focus in creating a clearer vision of what you most want
Build leadership skills
Create a marketing plan that is doable and effective
Communicate more effectively
Create a strong financial foundation for business and personal goals
Help you create the life you want
Coach Helene is intuitive, warm, funny and compassionate! Her fast-paced, wonderful, soul-searching Healthy Women coaching groups were packed with hands-on helpful, provocative resources and lots of encouragement to allow me to dig deep and move forward… just what I needed to build more confidence!
~K.C. Christensen-Lang, Success Coach, Joyologist – Tools For Positive Living