Questions for Couples
We talk. We always have. It’s just one of our Couple Superpowers. We also listen to each other. We’ve always wanted each other to be happy in our marriage….not just one of those marriages that are good enough. Happy. Really happy. So we talk.
We offer you the following questions to ask each other this New Year’s Eve (or whenever you have time together…during a walk, a shared meal, on the couch or by text).
Ask each other the questions below and listen to what your partner has to say:
- Are you happy?
- What would make you happier?
- What was your personal high for this year?
- What was your personal low point for this year?
- What do you not want to repeat in 2025?
Health: Your health will support your relationship through the many seasons of your lives. There is nothing more important than your health.
Ask each other:
- How do you feel about your health this past year?
- What would improve your health?
- How can I support your health and exercise?
- How is your eating and food lifestyle impacting your health?
- What changes can we both make to be healthier as a couple?
Our Financial Health – A quick review can put you on a path to success this upcoming year.
- Where did we as a couple waste money this year?
- What financial goal could we make that would help us get what we want (you may need to identify what you want – money to meet a physical need/money to give you freedom from debt/money to feel like we have more security, etc)?
Where do we need more support this coming year? (Professionals: medical, insurance, legal, investments, travel agent, support group, coach )
Review your mathematical truth.
- What is our net worth?
- How much do we owe?
- What expense(s) can we reduce or eliminate this next year?
- What area of our finances do we most want to get cleared up?
- Do we have a marriage account (money just for us)?
- For what purposes do we want to use our money this year (this may be to create a vacation fund to go on a trip, or begin a monthly savings account towards retirement, or support an area of interest, or allow some of our wealth to flow over to make charitable donations)?
Be A Green Couple
- How can “We” make a difference in the world?
- How can we use our resources to respond to the needs of the world?
- What is our shared response to the climate crisis?
Spicy Questions for Lovers – Click Here.
Helene and Dave Van Manen met as teenagers . They are educators, consultants and trainers. They specialize in inspiring people to make a difference in the world. Listen to their story at their 2023 StoryCorp Interview. Listen